Thursday, March 31, 2011

Second tooth

Campbell is proudly showing her teeth.
자랑스럽게 이빨을 보여주고 있는 주아.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Professional pictures - 6 and a half months

There were so many good pictures and it was hard to pick some for posting.
Thanks Natalie and David again!

Dressed up for sealing

Grandma Jean made Campbell's sealing dress.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sitting like mommy and daddy

in Olive Garden
엄마 아빠처럼 앉아 가족 외식을 즐기는 주아

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Deo and Joon

Deo and Joon visited us again, and Campbell had a fun time with them.
언니와 형부가 헐리우드에서 열린 콘서트에 참석하게 되어 도와 준이 우리 집에 한나절을 지내다 갔다. 오빠들과 즐거운 시간을 보낸 주아.

공주님과 두 왕자님들 (제법 그럴싸하게 포즈를 취한 귀염둥이들)
의젓한 도 오빠와 주아
서로 애쓰고 있는 준이 오빠와 주아

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm proud of you!

Brian used to go to the Korean market with me or if he went alone he always had specific instructions on what to buy. This time, Brian went to the Korean market alone without my direction, and when I saw all stuff, I thought he did great job. I'm pound of you, Brian. :)
한국어를 못하는 내 남편은 그동안 한국 마켓에 나와 함께 가던지 아니면 나의 상세한 설명과 함께 장을 봐와야만 했다. 지난 주 삼겹살이 땡긴다는 내 말을 기억한 브라이언은 오늘 오후에 나에게 통보도 없이 용기내어 혼자 한국마켓에 다녀왔다. 삼겹살, 차돌배기, 풋고추, 상추, 깻잎, 무쌈, 단무지 (한국 분식점에서 단무지를 보고 반가워한 나를 기억해서 사왔단다.) 그리고 냉동만두까지..제대로네. 자랑스러운 내 남편 ㅎㅎ

First tooth!

This morning Brian found out Campbell's first tooth is coming in!
주아 첫번째 이가 나오고 있어요!

Funny girl

Campbell likes to control her feedings.
자기 식사를 통제하기 좋아하는 주아.

This is how Campbell sits in her car seat. She stretches out her one arm and grabs some part of the car seat. Maybe she doesn't feel safe enough with the seat belt.
주아가 카시트에 앉는 방법. 한쪽 팔을 뻗어 손잡이 잡기. 아마도 안전벨트만으로는 충분하지 못한 모양이다.
Everybody knows she is chubby, but did you know even she has chubby hands?
통통한 주아 손
I put a hat on her head the right way, but many times she likes to make her own fashion statement.
내가 씌어주는 방식을 거부하고 다른 방식으로 모자 쓰기를 좋아하는 주아.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good night smile

Many times we use the swing to help Campbell go to sleep at night, and usually I stay with Campbell until she falls a sleep by singing a lullaby or telling her good night stories. When I do that, Campbell enjoys listening my songs or stories, and it seems she knows it's time for bed. And finally, when Campbell starts to feel tired enough to go to sleep, she is getting quiet, and she stops moving her body, and then... the last thing she does before she closes her eyes is to give me this smile.
This is the sweetest smile to me, and I can't help loving this little girl.
Good night my sweetheart.
밤에 주아를 재우기 위해 우리는 스윙을 많이 이용한다. 스윙에 주아를 넣어주고는 자장가도 불러주고, 재미난 얘기도 들려주면서 주아가 잠들기를 기다린다. 그러면, 주아는 꿈나라 시간이라는 것을 아는 것처럼 노래 듣기를 즐기고, 얘기를 들으면서 하루종일 종알대던 수다를 멈추기 시작하고, 끊임없이 움직이던 몸을 가만히 블랭킷 속에 잠재우기 시작한다...그리고 마지막으로..주아가 잠이 와서 졸리운 눈을 감기 전에, 주아는 언제나 이 사랑스러운 미소를 나에게 준다.
잘자요 내사랑~

Burberry hood

도가 쓰던 버버리 두건을 쓰고 모델을 취한 주아.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Teddy bear? Stalker?

I was planning to take sweet pictures of Campbell with this teddy bear because it was a special doll which grandma Jean made for Brian when he was kid, however, when Campbell met him, she tasted the teddy bear, and then she decided not to hang out with him. It was funny to see Campbell's reaction.
(I'm sure she will love him later though :) )

테디 베어? 스토커?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

6 months old

Weight: 18 pounds 2 oz (90%)
Height: 26 3/4" (75%)
What she likes: mommy, daddy, milk, food, watching people are eating, new clothes, toys and books, falling a sleep in mommy's arms, mommy's lullaby, singing together with daddy, tickled, grabbing feet, airplane game with daddy, stretching, sucking things, making bubbles with mouth
What she dislikes: strangers, doctors and nurses, dirty diaper, going to bed at night and strangers again

6개월 된 주아