Campbell likes to control her feedings.
자기 식사를 통제하기 좋아하는 주아.

This is how Campbell sits in her car seat. She stretches out her one arm and grabs some part of the car seat. Maybe she doesn't feel safe enough with the seat belt.
주아가 카시트에 앉는 방법. 한쪽 팔을 뻗어 손잡이 잡기. 아마도 안전벨트만으로는 충분하지 못한 모양이다.

Everybody knows she is chubby, but did you know even she has chubby hands?
통통한 주아 손

I put a hat on her head the right way, but many times she likes to make her own fashion statement.
내가 씌어주는 방식을 거부하고 다른 방식으로 모자 쓰기를 좋아하는 주아.

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