Campbell and Libby at the park (Surprised at their same outfit!)
교회 친구와 공원에서 만난 주아와 주아 친구, 리비. 같은 옷차림?! ㅎㅎ

Campbell at the toddler's story time and play time
구연동화 시간과 놀이 시간에 참석한 주아

Welcome to the nursery!
We got a notice from the church to welcome Campbell to the nursery. Brian and I are so excited about it (can't believe Campbell is already getting 18 months, and also it will make a lot easier for Brian and me at church haha), and we believe Campbell will have a fun time there.
교회에서 영아반에 참석에 초대장을 받은 주아 (주아가 벌써 18개월이 되어간다니 믿기지 않는다!)

Campbell has her own fun world. (자신만의 재밌는 세계에 사는 주아)
Displaying her little toys (장난감 나란히 진열해보기)

We visited aunt Sharon's house. We had a great time, and specially Campbell loved her song, 'Here's a ball for baby'. (After that day, Campbell kept asking me to sing that song, so I had to learn that song's lyrics from internet. kk)

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