Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's day

Brian brought Campbell and me to the restaurant at Dana Point for Valentine's day dinner, and gave us some gifts (shoes for Campbell and clothes for me) with cards and chocolate. Brian absolutely made us happy. We love you!!!
p.s. Campbell got special present and card from grandma and grandpa too. What a lucky girl!

February 2012

Campbell and Libby at the park (Surprised at their same outfit!)
교회 친구와 공원에서 만난 주아와 주아 친구, 리비. 같은 옷차림?! ㅎㅎ

Campbell at the toddler's story time and play time
구연동화 시간과 놀이 시간에 참석한 주아

Welcome to the nursery!
We got a notice from the church to welcome Campbell to the nursery. Brian and I are so excited about it (can't believe Campbell is already getting 18 months, and also it will make a lot easier for Brian and me at church haha), and we believe Campbell will have a fun time there.
교회에서 영아반에 참석에 초대장을 받은 주아 (주아가 벌써 18개월이 되어간다니 믿기지 않는다!)

Campbell has her own fun world. (자신만의 재밌는 세계에 사는 주아)
Displaying her little toys (장난감 나란히 진열해보기)
Saving her apple in some different place (사과 저장하기)

Architectural ideas (건축가 적인 상상)

We visited aunt Sharon's house. We had a great time, and specially Campbell loved her song, 'Here's a ball for baby'. (After that day, Campbell kept asking me to sing that song, so I had to learn that song's lyrics from internet. kk)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Irvine railroad park

Princess and tutu

남의 집 앞에서 우리집 열쇠들고 들어가보겠다고 시위하는 주아

Update for January 2012

Missing daddy (Campbell asked to put down one picture frame, and she was looking at that picture for a while saying 'dada' 'dada', and she started to kiss daddy over and over)
아빠가 일나간 동안 아빠를 부르며 사진을 내려달라던 주아는 그 사진을 한참 들여다 보더니 사진의 아빠에게 뽀뽀하기 시작했다.

Pretty careful driver
안전운전 하는 주아
Walking around at the Salt Creek beach
해변에서의 한가한 오후
Need coins?
동전이 필요해요~

Love shoes
엄마 신발 신어보기
Different way to put pants
머리에 바지 입어보기

Lunar calendar new year's day!

We had a special dinner for the lunar calendar new year's day. David and Natalie came over to our place, and I made a Korean traditional new year meal. The food was great, and we had a fun time. I'm thinking to do this celebration every year to teach Korean culture to our children, and I'm excited about it.
우리 가족은 음력설 특별 저녁을 가졌다. 사골 떡만두국과 갈비찜을 만들고 몇가지 나물을 함께 먹었다. 나의 음식솜씨에 비하면 대단한 성공이었고, 남편은 먹는동안 5분간격으로 감탄을 금치 못했다. ㅋㅋ 우리 아이들에게 한국문화를 가르치기 위해서 매년 이 행사를 계속할 예정이다. 내년에는 주아에게 만두 빚기를 가르쳐 줘야지 ㅋㅋ
And my friend, Myungwon invited us for the late lunar calendar new year's party too, and we had a wonderful dinner and had a chance to meet some friends. It was fun!
내 친구 명원이 친구들을 모아 음력설 저녁파티를 열었다. 맛있는 음식을 즐기고 좋은 친구들을 만날 수 있었다.
Campbell picked her fortune cookie, and it said....
파티에서 주아가 뽑은 새해 운. 건강과 행복이 당신에게 찾아올 것입니다. 최고의 운이었다! ㅎㅎ
Just perfect!