Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sweet treasures

This time Campbell posed with some of her daddy's childhood things. Brian made the horse when he was 12 (his mom painted it), and his mom made the bear.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bowers Museum

Campbell and I planned to go to the Kidseum in Santa Ana last Thursday, but when we went there, we found out it was closed. :( So instead of the Kidseum, we visited the Bowers museum in the next block. It was a little quiet and pretty museum, and we could see some ancient boats, sculptures, and paintings. Campbell got scared of many big sculptures, but she enjoyed running around in the garden after that. :)

Funny girl

Before bed

After bed

Even at the restaurant, Campbell is always ready for playing. :)

When Campbell saw the shopping car, she ran into it, and took a ride by herself. Mommy, I'm ready for shopping!

Disneyland for birthday celebration

It was our church friend, Becky's birthday, and we went to Disneyland together in the evening.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Campbell and I got bored because of rainy day, so we played ballerina.

Monday, March 5, 2012

New hat

Too much pictures?
All photos look sooooo cute to me. haha

San Diego Zoo again



I didn't worry about bringing Campbell to the nursery, but it was much easier than I thought.
Campbell loved to play there.
I had a little tear when I left her though... It's amazing to see how much Campbell grew up!

Campbell with brother Stapley

Happy birthday to David

Rockin Crawfish? Always yummy!
Campbell and one of her favorite people in the world!

Doggy Doggy Doggy

Campbell looooooves dogs. Of course, Campbell loves Clementine so much, and whenever she meets a dog, she has to stop to watch and doesn't want to leave until they disappear. One of our neighbors has a small dog, and many times, they put the dog outside. When Campbell and I go out for a walk, Campbell always turns her way to that house to see that dog. (I'm pretty bad about finding a way all the time, so it's actually pretty surprise to me that Campbell knows how to get there. haha) One day Campbell and I were at the store, and Campbell saw one dog toy, and she asked to me get that toy so bad by keeping saying doggy doggy doggy!!! Now it's one of her favorite toy, and she wants to bring her doggy everywhere.
강아지를 무지 무지 좋아하는 주아. 이웃집 강아지를 보러 가자고 떼를 쓰고, 이미 그 집까지 찾아가는 길을 알고 있다. 지난번 가게에서 강아지 장난감을 발견한 주아가 떠날 줄을 몰라해서 사주었는데, 이제는 제일 친한 친구가 되었다. 집을 나설때마다 강아지를 챙겨 데려가는 주아.

Some photos from home

I love to take a picture of Campbell after bath!

Campbell loves shoes and also loves clothes.