Thursday, July 28, 2011

Loving music

Listening to the teacher in music class
음악 수업 시간에 경청중인 주아

Playing piano (the fastest pianist :P)
피아노 연주에 열중한 주아 (화려한 손놀림에 손이 안보일 정도 ㅎ)
Playing piano II (sometimes playing with foot)
때로는 발로 함께 연주하기도..

Family visit and Disneyland

My sister's family visited us, and we went to Disneyland together. It was great to see my family, and we had a great time together.
And also it was the first time to go to the Disneyland for Campbell, so we were pretty excited.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First sentence

Campbell made her first sentence yesterday. She used to say 'Hi' or 'Dada' separately, but she has never put them together before. Yesterday, when Campbell saw her dad came home, she made a big smile and then said 'Hi daddy!'
What a sweet moment!

어제 처음으로 주아가 문장을 만들어 말을 했다. 하이 데디!

Music class

Campbell started to take her first music class this summer.
Although I didn't expect that much about the class, it seemed Campbell loved it.
It was surprise she was listening to teacher most of time (Kids were supposed to stay with mommies but Campbell even couldn't help crawling and listening to the teacher right in front of her many times- maybe a little too much interests ;) ), and she played with instruments and smiled a lot.
It was really fun, and we are looking forward to more classes!

여름 음악 수업에 참석한 주아. 주아가 다른 또래 아기들과 달리 대단한 관심을 보여 나를 놀라게했다. 선생님에 내내 집중하고 춤을 추고 방긋 웃고.. 여러 악기들을 시도해보느라 정신이 없었다. 수업료가 아깝지 않을거 같다. ㅎㅎ

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First step

Campbell took her first step yesterday. I can't believe she started to walk now, and I am so grateful Campbell is growing well. Love you Campbell!

Campbell posed with her toy car which helped her practice.

주아가 어제 처음 혼자 힘으로 몇 발자국씩 걷기 시작했다.
사진은 주아가 지난 한달동안 걷기 연습을 도와준 장난감 자동차와 포즈를 취한 것이다.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi! Hey!

Recent Campbell's favorite word is Hi or Hey. Campbell is getting social baby, and she likes to say hi to people. In the picture, Campbell says hi to herself. :)
사람들에게 하이~ 혹은 헤이~라고 인사하기 시작한 주아. 거울에 비친 자신에게 인사하는 주아의 사진.

4th of July

미국 독립기념일 주말 바베큐 파티와 불꽃놀이 구경
Ready for the party!

BBQ and Fun at Dustin and Chelsea's
잔디는 무서워~

Waiting for the fireworks at the park.
불꽃놀이는 언제하려나?~~귀마개까지 하고 완전 준비 되었는데..


Campbell was sleeping during the fireworks. ;)
불꽃놀이가 시작되었으나 맘마를 먹던 주아는 쿨쿨 이미 잠들어 버렸다. ㅎㅎ

Crab dinner party at Kira shi's

Campbell and I were invited to Kira shi's house for the crab dinner party. It was great to see Kira shi, Jess shi, Esther shi, Joyce shi, and also Joyce shi's daughter, Jooha. Food was really good and we had a really fun time.
Thanks to Kira shi for inviting us and the yummy food. (and also thanks to Jess and Esther shi for the work on crab ;)

Campbell really liked Jooha. Jooha was such a cute baby. Campbell wanted to play with Jooha and touch her, and even tried to share her pacifier with Jooha. haha When they met, they talked to each other. Sooo cute!

기라씨네 저녁식사에 초대받은 주아. 친구를 만나 너무나 신나했다. 사진은 처음 만나 서로 대화하는 모습.